United Rentals corruption

They believe they can destroy people's property and be exempt from responsibility.
They must believe they are the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden.

United Rentals corruption

United Rentals corruption.

GA&F Wagman
P O Box 15076
York Pa. 17405
Place : Harvey Taylor bridge westbound
Date : July 10, 2001
Time : 2:25 PM
Make: Ford
Model : Taurus
My car was struck by a white and orange construction sign as I crossed the Harvey Taylor bridge. The wind blew the sign into my 1995 Ford Taurus Sedan. It damaged the right front and rear passenger doors.
Fax 717-764-2799
Leon Wintermeyer Inc.
Lemoyne 761-6529
Diane Fry 938-1468
Steve Hill 766-8486 fax 766-8439 Dixie lee
Eagle Traffic Control Inc. / United Rentals Inc.
3170 Unionville Pike
Hatfield Pa. 19440
215 997-9100
Scott Elsing selsing@ur.com
Take pictures of damage and send to Scott.

Hi Scott I never got the letter. I hope they can do something soon. Thank you Jim Crownover -----Original Message----- From: Scott Elsing [mailto:selsing@ur.com] Sent: Friday, August 24, 2001 11:56 AM To: 'Crownover, James' Subject: RE: Sign damage Hi Jim I just got off the phone with our risk man.dept. Unfortunately Rick The adjuster for this case is on vacation until 8/31/01. I spoke to a Tiffany, who said Rick sent a letter out on 7/17 about this case to you. I will E-mail him again to please contact you. Thank You Scott -----Original Message----- From: Crownover, James Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 1:01 PM To: 'selsing@ur.com' Subject: Sign damage Hi Scott We have not yet heard anything about the car. It is beginning to rust out. Thank you Jim Crownover Stephanie Strittmatter wrote: From: Stephanie Strittmatter Subject: Claim # 01L-2165 Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 09:34:13 -0400 Hi Jim! I talked to Scott Elsing at our Hatfield office. He told me that he did contact our insurance company about your claim. I contacted our insurance people. They gave me your claim # 01L-2165.....so it defiantly was called in to them back at the beginning of July. I am waiting for the claims adjuster to get back to me on the status of the claim. I'll let you know what I find out. Thanks.....Steph Stephanie Strittmatter Safety and Human Resources Highway Technologies # 090 (412) 798-3272 - Phone (412) 798-3821 - Fax (412) 327-8288 - Mobile Rick No letter was ever sent to me. A sign that is insecurely installed being blown over by wind is not an Act of God. Mike has no Comprehensive insurance to cover that. Jim Crownover Rick Harrington Received your voice mail inquiry on the status of your claim. A letter had been sent you on 7/13/01 denying your claim because the wind blowing over a sign is considered an Act of God for which United Rentals cannot be held responsible. You may wish to present your claim to your own insurance provider. Sincerely, Rick Harrington -----Original Message----- From: Stephanie Strittmatter [mailto:sstrittm@ur.com] Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 3:29 PM To: 'Crownover, James' Subject: RE: Claim # 01L-2165 Hello Jim: I haven't heard anything else. Your best bet would be to contact Rick Harrington @ 1-877-874-7475. Make sure you reference your claim # 01L-2165. He is the claims adjuster handling your claim. Have a great day. -----Original Message----- From: Crownover, James Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 3:18 PM To: 'sstrittm@ur.com' Subject: Claim # 01L-2165 Hi Steph I still have heard nothing about this this, except from you. What should I do now? Thank you Jim Crownover Stephanie Strittmatter wrote: From: Stephanie Strittmatter Subject: Claim # 01L-2165 Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 09:34:13 -0400 Hi Jim! I talked to Scott Elsing at our Hatfield office. He told me that he did contact our insurance company about your claim. I contacted our insurance people. They gave me your claim # 01L-2165.....so it defiantly was called in to them back at the beginning of July. I am waiting for the claims adjuster to get back to me on the status of the claim. I'll let you know what I find out. Thanks.....Steph Stephanie Strittmatter Safety and Human Resources Highway Technologies # 090 (412) 798-3272 - Phone (412) 798-3821 - Fax (412) 327-8288 - Mobile _____ Do You Yahoo!? Get email alerts & NEW webcam video instant messaging with Yahoo! Messenger. Rick Harrington Jim, Sorry thatyou did not receive the denial letter explaining. It was sent orignally to Mike at: PO Box 111 Duncan, PA 17020. I was then given a different address and re-sent a copy of the letter to Mike at: PO Box 111 Cananon, PA 17020. The sign was properly established and anchored with twenty sandbags. Normally a typeIII barricade sign of this nature is anchored with only twelve sandbags. Nevertheless, strong wind are sometimes able to overwhelm our signs despite all reasonable precautions taken. In the insurance industry the wind is considered an Act of God for which United Rentals cannot be held responsible. Therefore your claim is denied and this file is closed. United Rentals will vigorously defend this position. Sincerely, Rick Harrington -----Original Message----- From: Jim [mailto:hbrvrv@yahoo.com] Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 4:03 PM To: Rick Harrington Subject: Re: Accident claim number 01L-2165 Rick No letter was ever sent to me. A sign that is insecurely installed being blown over by wind is not an Act of God. Mike has no Comprehensive insurance to cover that. Jim Crownover Jim: Received your voice mail inquiry on the status of your claim. A letter had been sent you on 7/13/01 denying your claim because the wind blowing over a sign is considered an Act of God for which United Rentals cannot be held responsible. You may wish to present your claim to your own insurance provider. Sincerely, Rick Harrington Jim: In the insurance industry wind is considered an "act of god". United Rentals did everything possible to protect the sign from being blown over in heavy winds. Unfortunately you will be responsible for mitigating the loss. Since the claim was denied by our insurance dept. I will not be able to help you any further. Thank you, Stephanie Strittmatter -----Original Message----- From: Crownover, James Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 10:11 AM To: 'sstrittm@ur.com' Subject: FW: Accident claim number 01L-2165 Hi Steph What happens now??. United Rentals seems to be a crooked outfit. They have damaged my son's car and refuse to pay for what they did. if there had been a hurricane I think they could justify that Act of God thing, but this was just a thunder storm with 40 mph winds. Thank you Jim Crownover -----Original Message----- Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 6:14 AM To: Subject: Fw: Accident claim number 01L-2165 ----- Original Message ----- From: "Rick Harrington" Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 6:54 PM Subject: RE: Accident claim number 01L-2165 Jim, Sorry thatyou did not receive the denial letter explaining. It was sent orignally to Mike at: PO Box 111 Duncan, PA 17020. I was then given a different address and re-sent a copy of the letter to Mike at: PO Box 111 Cananon, PA 17020. The sign was properly established and anchored with twenty sandbags. Normally a typeIII barricade sign of this nature is anchored with only twelve sandbags. Nevertheless, strong wind are sometimes able to overwhelm our signs despite all reasonable precautions taken. In the insurance industry the wind is considered an Act of God for which United Rentals cannot be held responsible. Therefore your claim is denied and this file is closed. United Rentals will vigorously defend this position. Sincerely, Rick Harrington Rick No letter was ever sent to me. A sign that is insecurely installed being blown over by wind is not an Act of God. Mike has no Comprehensive insurance to cover that. Jim Crownover ----- Original Message ----- From: "Rick Harrington" Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 6:03 PM Subject: Accident claim number 01L-2165 Jim: Received your voice mail inquiry on the status of your claim. A letter had been sent you on 7/13/01 denying your claim because the wind blowing over a sign is considered an Act of God for which United Rentals cannot be held responsible. You may wish to present your claim to your own insurance provider. Sincerely, Rick Harrington **************************************************************************************************** Rick Harrington says there were 20 sandbags on that sign. I have since looked at many of their signs. They typically have 3 to 8 bags on the signs. Sometimes there are a couple more laying nearby. The most I saw on a sign was 10. On those few with 10, one or more was actually just laying nearby. I would say this indicates a crooked lying outfit. Disgusting companies like this should not be allowed to do business in America.

This is the approximate location on the Harvey Taylor Bridge that the sign did the damage. Rick Harrington says there were twenty sandbags on the sign. Count them 1, 2, 3, 4, 20!!! United Rentals can really count.

United Rentals can really count. This one actually has 8 bags!! Of course 2 are not on the sign.

United Rentals can really count.

United Rentals can really count. This one actually has 9 bags!! Of course 6 are not on the sign.

United Rentals can really count. This one actually has 8 bags!! Of course 2 are not on the sign.

United Rentals can really count.

This is the damage United Rentals did.

Here is proof of United rentals lies!!!

It seems the office of the Attorney General of Pennsylvania has no power to crack done on crooked companies. I guess they only exist to consume tax dollars. This is not a time to be wasting tax dollars. This wasteful government organization should be closed. Wasting tax dollars only provides aid and comfort to the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden.

I have been struggling for since July 2001 to have my son compensated for sign damage done to his car because of the negligence of United Rentals. I have failed completely to see justice done. I guess the only thing I can do now is try to see that they be required to follow the PennDot safety rules. I believe they should be fined for their violations, but the seem to be such a big powerful company that they are in full control and can't be punished or forced to follow the rules. I have no idea how much damage these people have caused on Pennsylvania highways over the years, but it must be substantial. They threaten the lives of everyone who travels by automobile. Now it appears that PennDot does not care what their contractors do. There is no enforcement. I guess they will just be allowed to continue causing damage.

To: Mr. Jim Crownover
From: Lester Nace

This is in response to our telephone conversation of January 2, 2002 and an
e-mail message received in this office on December 26, 2001.

As suggested, I have reviewed, and am sending by fax, the most current
information regarding ballast used on the bases of signing. The Department
states that sandbags may be placed on the base as a ballast. We do not
stipulate the numbers or weights of sandbags. Obviously, it would be
dependent on the type, size, and location of such signs.

I have reviewed your pictures and file and am unaware of any sign which was
not ballasted. As such, there appears to be no violation of any safety
rules and a fine would be inappropriate.

Should you have any further questions, please contact me at 787-5192.

-----Original Message-----
From: "Crownover, James" 
Sent: Friday, December 21, 2001 12:13 PM
To: Nace, Lester
Cc: 'jim'
Subject: Sign damage.

Hi Lester
I guess I spoke with you before about this. United rentals refuses to
for the damage they did. They claim it was an act of God.
They say they are required to put 12 sandbags on their signs , but they
20 on. That is a lie. I took pictures of the signs on this side of the
Harvey Taylor Bridge. One had 5 bags on it ,the other 6.
I need to get this information to whoever makes the rules about how many
bags there are supposed to be. Obviously some enforcement of these rules
necessary. I have looked a more than a dozen of these signs and have
seen one with 12 bags on it.

Here is a web page with some pictures. United rentals made me remove the
I will send you my word file later. I don't have that here.

If these people aren't going to pay for the damage they did, at least
should be made to follow the rules, and fined for not doing so.

Thank you
Jim Crownover

That little old webmaker
    in the sprucecave
     Jim Crownover